Thursday, 8 September 2011

all I want for Christmas ~ Daniela

picsture credit: pinterest

It's the season to be jolly... well almost!

But strangely enough, in our industry we work three months ahead of time. As fun as that may seem, it does mean that currently we are finalising our Nov/ Dec issue, and thus the festive season is in the air. Christmas diners are being thought up, as well as table decorating and trying to find that special something that we all look for during December time.

After going through a plethora of different traditions and meals that different countries enjoy, I came across a tradition I had to share.

Apparently in Japan it is customary to go and eat at KFC. Yes, you read right. The tradition is a bucket full of Kentucky Fried Chicken. It seems completely bazaar to me that throughout most of the world we all spend hours in the kitchen whipping up strange and scrumptious meals, while in Japan, KFC is your dinner of choice. Thousands of people flock to KFC to enjoy some finger licking chicken and the Christmas rush is so huge that some branches even take table bookings.
Now that is some effective advertising!

Let us know your strange family tradition or even the weirdest meal you have had for Christmas ;o)

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